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Benefits of Nrf1:​
  • Increase cellular energy (ATP)
  • Improve performance through energy production
  • Enhance cellular health—cells function at peak performance
  • Improve sleep quality and promotes cellular repair
  • Boost mitochondria production and their ability to network
  • Slows cellular aging by supporting chromosome integrity
The NRF1 protein is a key player in the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis. As such, the upregulation of NRF1 offers a unique way to protect the health of your mitochondria. It regulates the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial DNA transcription, translation and repair and slow cellular aging and increase cellular energy.
NRF1 is a transcription factor. Transcription factors are one of the most common tools that our cells use to control gene expression. To make sense of this information let’s quickly review some human biology 
  • Each cell in the body that has a nucleus (all but red blood cells) contains 2 sets of chromosomes, one set from mom and one set from dad. Together there are 23 chromosome pairs inside the cell.
  • A chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes.
  • Genes specify the structure of particular proteins that make up each cell.
  • Genes contain DNA.
    • DNA contains the instructions for making all the proteins in your body.
    • DNA can replicate, or make copies of itself. This is important when cells divide as each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.
  • Genes are usually in a default “off” state.
  • Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes.
  • Genes are turned on and off in different patterns. This is what differentiates cells and allows them to have different functions.
  • Transcription factors regulate gene expression by turning genes “on”.
So circling back to NRF1… it acts as a transcription factor that activates, or turns “on”, genes that are involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis.
When activated, NRF1 turns on genes that encode for proteins involved in the respiratory chain as well as in mitochondrial DNA transcription and replication machinery. In other words, it stimulates the production of proteins that are needed for cellular energy production and proteins involved in the making of new, healthy mitochondria. Higher ATP levels increase cellular energy for all your vital organs to support health at the cellular level.
Higher ATP levels means more cellular energy—more cellular energy means your body works more efficiently. Wake up the NRF1 protein to support mitochondrial biogenesis—the creation of new and larger mitochondria.
Boost Mitochondria production means your body functions more efficiency—improves repair, supports heme production, supports brain function and cognitive health, supports heart health.
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