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Our Mission

Future medicine will be based on controlling 
energy in the body!

  "William Tiller, Nobel Prize Laureate"
As a Holistic Nutritionist and a Manual Osteopath, I have a completely holistic approach to providing restoration and balance to one's body by activating its own natural healing energies.  The testing process is non-invasive and safe for the entire family -including children. My job is to assess what YOUR body's energy is doing and what areas need some balancing plus what is the best way to go about it. No two people are alike and that's part of what makes our Bio-individuality so wonderful. 
At Optimum Balance, we are focused on getting to the root cause of our client's symptoms and getting results as quickly as possible. Beside nutritional advises, we benefit from  BIE (Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination), a modality that combines the disciplines of Acupuncture, Biofeedback and Homeopathy with Light Technology which helps us achieve our goal.  We also offer Manual Osteopathy and Craniosacral therapy sessions in our office. Often clients report feeling an improvement after the very first appointment! 
Genetic testing for personalized nutrition, Omega 3 Profile testing and IgG Food intolerance testing as well as Hair Mineral analysis are additional services that we offer in our clinic to achieve the best results. Supporting our clients with Nutrigenomic principles and focusing on activating Nrf1, Nrf2 and NAD-Sirtuin pathways for optimum Detoxification and Mitochondrial function is what makes us more unique.  
Health Care for the whole family
Manual Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy:
Craniosacral therapy (CST) and Manual Osteopathy are gentle hands-on treatment using a light therapeutic touch to encourage the release of symptoms caused by physical, psychological and emotional stress. This is a therapy which enhances the body's own healing abilities.that may provide relief from a variety of symptoms including Chronic pains such as back-pain, headaches and migraines, neck pain and side effects of cancer treatment among many others. CST and Manual Osteopathy use a light touch to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system and visceral organs.. Manual Osteopathy can improve Range of Motion, Circulation and detoxification of body parts and organs.
BioFeedback and BIE:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of all illness is directly related to stress.  BIE can help provide relief from the following stressor-related symptoms and more.  If you are suffering and don't see your condition listed, please ask about how BIE could be the answer for you!
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis or gout
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Digestive disorders
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Acne or rash
  • Learning disabilities
  • Nightly urination
  • Restless sleep or insomnia
  • Bad breath or body odour
  • Phobias or anxiety
  • Depression or moods
  • Weight gain

Disclaimer: Holistic Nutritionists, Manual Osteopathy and BIE practitioners are not medical doctors and do not use medical diagnostic or treatment procedures.

© 2018 all rights reserved for Optimum Balance

(647)262-0919   |

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